First, we should say what happiness isn't. Happiness is not relief. It's not satisfaction or satiety. It's not getting your way or getting what you want. Happiness isn't anything you can do or get. Happiness isn't a place to get to, because being on a quest for something isn't happiness.
Even more importantly, happiness has nothing to do with your circumstances. If you are dependent on having just the right circumstances to make you happy, then you're never actually happy, because there's always the fear that the circumstances will change and take your happiness away.
Most of what I see people call happiness falls into one or more of the above categories. In the world of grasping and rejection that human beings are heir to, all that mess is what passes for happiness.
So what is happiness? Happiness is knowing and being and living that what is happening right now is what is happening right now, and that the reason things are the way they are is because that is the way they are. Happiness is giving up whys and becauses and in-order-tos.
How do you get to that place? Not by trying to get there, I'll tell you that much!