Hmm. I know what my bf doesn't like in me and he knows what ticks me off or annoys in him. Depends on how long you have been together, but during the years you will at some point come clean about these issues. They are usually best left to be taken out when you are both in a good mood and everything is good in your relationship, but it takes time before couples get the stage of being casually able to analyse stuff together. If you have just fallen in love and have romantic ideas about being the perfect couple or your being the only man she sees and vv. it's not yet a good idea.
There are some individuals who can't take critique very well. And everybody have some weak posts they would like to hide from others and keep the illusion that their partner doesn't see this flaw, cos love makes it all just perfect. Use your common sense before saying out the bad things. A normal person will sulk after hearing negative critique for a few days, but get back to normal pretty soon.
You think only women can be moody after hearing the truth or your opinion anyway? A girl had told my bf that he has a great looking ass. He was watching it from the mirror and told me this and I just casually said "nah, your ass is not special, you just have a pretty face so you are just generally cute and you used to be athletic after army". He has mentioned his butt as "nothing special" almost every time when he's been putting his trousers on when I have been in the same room. Three men I know whined after xmas that they had gotten a "christmas belly" after all eating going on during holidays. I said to all of them (in separate discussions) that there is no such thing, it has been there before. One of them showed me his tummy in March. "See, no tummy!!" Two are still sulking or in denial. It's nearky summer so maybe it's a grill belly or beach belly season for them soon.