Originally Posted by Infinite_Loser
Personally, I can't see how anti-immigration laws are legitimate in any way, since most illegals usually occupy the low-end, low-welfare jobs which the majority of Americans would shun.
Ok, let's say I am oooo a big Jelly company in Ohio. I used to use union farmworkers who made decent wages and went to their town and kept mom and pop places open because they had disposable income.
Now, I need to keep my wages down because my competition is using illegals and thus able to beat me badly in the pricing game (since the majority are now looking at prices and not staying brand loyal.... I'm in trouble).
So, I have to find farms not using union laborers and start buying out union workers on my farms, but even then, I find I'm still losing the pricing game.
Finally, I find and use farms that provide me with the good I need at the price I need.... they use illegals in order to do this, I use illegals on the farms I own because I can't afford not to.
These illegals then do not shop like the union employees, send their wages home to bring their families to the US. They live in little shanty's owned by the farmer owner who gets rent, who sells them food and basically keeps them as close to his property as possible so town folk don't see anything.
This is going on in this area of Ohio.
So it is bullshit to say "they are taking jobs noone wants." There are people out there that will do the jobs, they just want at least minimum wage. Even day labor temps are begging for the jobs but get turned away (just ask some of my clientele).
What we are running and what noone wants to admit are barely above slave labor camps. Pathetic. Even worse than the owners that hire these people for $2 maybe $2.50 a day are the people who act like this is no big deal and state, "let them have those shitty jobs." Then turns blind eyes on what is truly happening.
I'll be glad to show you the farms around here and the shacks these people are forced to rent from their employer. I say forced because if they don't live there, the owner calls the cops on them and and gets them sent back.