Originally Posted by ratbastid
True enough. I'm just reacting to the political messages embedded in the song. You know--anybody who still honestly thinks that the Iraq war has anything to do with freedom is either completely delusional, or has a political agenda. I'm not saying she should have been attacked for going to visit the troops. It was a good thing to do. I just think she's falling back on some shaky rhetoric in defending herself.
It's statements like that which make others unwilling to provide you with a different perspective.
And it's attitudes like yours that are prevalent in Congress (on both sides), to the benefit of no one.
There are some very good, intelligent people who have cogent arguments for our involvement in Iraq. It is unlikely any of them will be interested in talking to you about them, unless they like hearing the equivalent of the old, "Only things from Texas are steers and queers. Which one are you, boy?"