Originally Posted by Suzz04
i don't know... i just got called the biggest bitch ever. all i do is yell at my child.... yell at him.... i snap over little things... and "he's tired of getting yelled at and hearing bitching all the time" and..."you're never happy cause you're always bitching and moaning about something"
If I could suggest something: try not to yell unless someone is far enough away from you where it is necessary for you to raise the volume of your voice in order form them to understand you. If you yell at someone, you might aleviate your anger for a moment, but you teach yourself to yell more, and when has yelling at someone ever been constructive? Have you ever been yelled at and thought to yourself afterward, "Wow, that was a great talk"? I stopped yelling a few years back, and I'm a lot happier.
Originally Posted by Suzz04
to be honest... i'm sick of taking all this medicine for my bipolar (i have too.... nothing else worked up til i went on medication) and i'm sick of being verbally attacked by my 11 yr old all the time... we're in the "you're stupid and i know everything" stage....
Yelling is reflective with kids. One thing I find is helpful with my daughter is to put myself in her shoes. What would I have responded to when I was 3 years old? We were all young once, and it's really helful to draw on that. While I'm sure she's not the exact same person you were at 11, the perspective couldn't hurt.
Originally Posted by Suzz04
it's hard not to lash back when someone is lashing at you. and i can't get it talked out because when i try it seems like i'm putting my foot in my mouth and making it even worse.
Parenting requires the patience of a saint, the mind of a philosopher, and the heart of a hero. Do your best and I'm sure your daughter will grow to appreciate you.