Originally Posted by skier
I've had ADD my whole life and tried the drug route, but found cognitive therapy more effective in terms of treatment and because the side effects were fairly severe for me (depression, acne, DRY MOUTH wow). Explore your options and educate yourself on your condition so you have some knowledge under your belt next time you see the doc.
BINGO!! Skier, you are a smart cookie. All my experience with ADHD has taught me that drugs should always be a last resort after seeing a good cognitive therapist for some time. While ADHD is connected to genetics and neurology, it can often be treated, without side effects, by simply seeing a therapist. As silly as it sounds, it's possible that ADHD or a condition with similar traits can be caused or effected by poor diet of all things. Diet restrictions can help at least 5% of those effected by ADHD (mostly in cases of food allergies, but also in other cases). If you avoid refined sugar and food aditives, you'll be better off anyway, so it can't hurt. Best of luck!