My quest for a Wii turned up that "unfortunately, there is not supposed to be another shipment until after christmas, maybe even into the new year. if you are interested though, there are 100 ps3s arriving for friday in our store."
At least in Edmonton, Alberta, there will be over 500 ps3s available on the 22nd.
(Significant because the province, with a wealthy population of 3 million, is often underestimated in our consumer ability. Thus far, we have received disproportionately small amounts of wiis, ps3s, etc. They have been sold out since launch. There was while a couple years ago that you couldn't buy a lcd tv while the rest of north america could. I had a boss that had to buy a new Land Cruiser from Vancouver and drive it home for lack of timely Edmonton availability)
Last edited by Bossnass; 12-18-2006 at 10:47 AM..