Personally I think that great sex helps a relationship. I was in a realtionship for 4 years. The last year or so I wanted out so bad but was afraid to be the one to end it. So I pretty much quit having sex and started fights. I did not know at the time what was really going on I just knew I hated having sex with him. We grew apart and grew up. When people grow up they tend to develope different ideals and goals and those might be different from your S.O. I look back now 9 years later and can't believe the what was really going on. I did not even realize I was picking fights with him but I was. I don't recommend cheating on her but I would definatly ask her what she truely wants from you and the realtionship. Ask her if she feels like she is wasting her time or if she sees it going to the next level. Were either of you virgins when you got together? I ask because i was and that is what made it so difficult for me to accept that I was ready to move on. I hope this helped.