I tip I got from a friend of ours is to put a few pennies in a coffee can, and everytime they bite, shake the can to get their attention, and growl "no" or "enough" at them.
Be careful with this one. Do not bark commands or use commands harshly. If you do it will cause the command to become a bad term in their book. Instead, shake your penny can, and speak the command in a calm but firm voice.
As far as the food goes, I guess purina would be fine. The only brand I've trust is Eukanuba. The dogs seem to digest it better. We switched over to Purina for one bag and the dogs had a hard time keeping it down. (my dog is only 9 months). We switch back to Eukanuba and all is well with the world.
Most importantly.. let the dogs be dogs. Don't command them so much that they feel like prisoners all the time. Be the alpha male and take control but also allow them to have fun like they should. Good luck with your pups. Let's see some pics.