Ask her how many times she's felt this way about someone.
I was with this girl for about six months. Lived together very quickly. Went from just dating to all in, in about a month. Pretty much exactly how you described your relationship... her mom wanted us to get married, she wanted to get married, her whole family acted like we were married. It drove me fuckin' nuts after awhile. Mind you at first it sounded super cool. Then one day I got in the conversation with her mother (who had been married 7 times I found out) and it comes up that my girlfriend at the time had been engaged three times before this. I was fuckin' pissed. Mainly cause she had told me she had never been in a relationship like this before. It took a bit for me to get the balls but I ended up leaving her.
She also had mental problems. She was avery angry person and look to booze and men to calm her down. She actually decked me when I broke up with her.
Just like drugs and booze... sexual relationships can be an addiction.
heavy is the head that wears the crown
Last edited by World's King; 12-10-2006 at 03:50 PM..