I've yet to hear an argument that nullifies the simple fact that we should not kill a person we have incarcerated and who is unable to do harm to someone. There is no rationalization for it other than it makes some in our society feel better. Like they've accomplished something. When, in fact, all they've done is add one more death to tragedy.
Because I don't care to pay for their upkeep. If anything, begin punished they should be contributing back to society. It doesn't "make me feel better", but it is a strain on society's resources to keep them alive. It's like punishing a kid by grounding him to his room where he has his computer and xbox and playstation. It's not really a punishment if you don't lose out on much. Yeah, they lose their freedom. You know what? I did too by enlisting in the military. As a prisoner, he gets as good of accomodations as I do. How is that right? *shrug* It's not about retribution in the sense of retliation, but in the sense of restoring the balance of justice to the karmic fabric of the world.