Originally Posted by xepherys
mixedmedia, inmates kill other inmates all the time. Letting the state do it would be more humane, in most cases.
I don't believe this is true in the case of death row inmates as they are usually cloistered. And just because criminals kill each other, I do not see that as a reason at all for the state to do it.
And even if complete justice is unattainable, why not strive to get as close as possible?
I do not believe that killing in retribution takes us any closer to justice.
My views are pretty simple. Cut and dry. I've had similar conversations with people before...all the what ifs and had-a-beens and whatnot.
I've yet to hear an argument that nullifies the simple fact that we should not kill a person we have incarcerated and who is unable to do harm to someone. There is no rationalization for it other than it makes some in our society feel better. Like they've accomplished something. When, in fact, all they've done is add one more death to tragedy.