Originally Posted by aberkok
Suddenly making a record out of your own pocket and having to do all the promo and marketing yourself doesn't seem so bad!
That's what I've done ... but the PR and marketing only goes so far. It costs several million dollars to break an artist in the top 10. Just to make it to the top 100 takes thousands of dollars.
Of course, I'd rather be a cult band than a Billboard top # artist.
In my opinion I've got a phenomenal CD but do you think very many people will ever hear it? The reviews of it have been stellar; both local and non-local. We're in regular rotation on local radio. The few industry people who have heard it are impressed and the first thing they ask is "are they touring?" The answer to that is "as much as possible."
Grassroots ...
As far as not owning the copyright on your music: that's just really bad contract negotiations. There are two copyrights that you have to be concerned with. The actual recording (this is form SR which is and should be owned by the studio since they did the recording) and the songs themselves ... which you should NEVER relenquish if possible (this is form PA). Form PA covers the music and lyrics; form SR covers the particular version of the CD. In other words, you can always go re-record the song yourself and then file another form SR. Of course, most studios have a clause that say that they get a percent if you do that.