Originally Posted by Acetylene
If you freak her out with your jealousy and insecurity, she will leave, and that's a fact. You aren't her father and she doesn't need to tell you she got home safe.
Furthermore, 40 minutes isn't a long distance relationship; it's a less-convenient relationship. Don't worry! You are not subject to the ills of a real LDR.
Finally, you have an anxiety disorder. Your body's stress responses are inappropriately high and it is interfering with your life functions: this is medically treatable. In college you can get free psychiatric help, generally, and you should make IMMEDIATE use of it. Every day you wait just wears out your body more, and you will eventually get really sick (mono, flu, take your pick).
It Is NOT your girlfriend's job to coddle your mental health needs; it is YOUR job to take care of yourself. She will thank you and love you all the more for taking steps to help yourself! Good uck, and know everyone is rooting for you 
This is all exactly right on the money. Listen to Acetylene. And good uck. 
"Love is a snowmobile racing across the tundra and then suddenly it flips over, pinning you underneath.
At night, the ice weasels come." -
Matt Groening
My goal? To fulfill my potential.