I have this very good friend, who at one time wanted to us to get serious. Well, it never worked out, Id turned him down but there was some chemistry between us.He left the country, so did I. Few years later, we got talking and sending texts again like the old good friends we were. I broke up with my a$$h**e BF of that time(very messy breakup) and he was the first one I turned to. He called me everyday and takle to me for hours. He told me about his gf and all. I was not looking for anything but he mentionned had he not been in a relationship, he'd have tried again with me.
We moved to a little more than friends, while on the phone and chatting on msn everyday. We were still in different countries, he'd call everyday.
His old feelings opened up and he confessed still having something for me. I was amazed and shocked but knowing he had a gf I wanted to back out. He realised his mistake and he turned cold towards me. WE fought and stopped talking. Lately he emailed me and wanted us to get back into contact. Now we still talk like the good old friends we always were!
But we both know that there could be more to it, but neither of us want anything. I have a perfect relationship with another person and so does he!