Originally Posted by Shauk
My ex has been rather outgoing towards me in terms of keeping contact, inviting me to movies (I declined, or just had reasons not to go, which I think would have felt odd to me anyway) She talks to me about her problems still, the issues she has with her new relationship.......So fine, she's like my only friend it feels like, even through all this shit of me dealing with her ditching me to get with this guy and such. She actually calls me up or invites me to stuff, which makes me feel valued as a friend, which is more than I can say for my so called normal friends.
You can't let this stand. It will tear you apart. This is probably contributing to your "bizarro world" feelings.
Call your friends up and ask them if they want to hang out. Put them on the spot. See if they make up excuses. Don't text message them or anything. Find out if there's a problem, and if there is, find a solution. Be proactive! And don't forget you have like 10,000 friends on TFP at any given moment. Good luck!