if its just a dull ache i would say just try to relax and not look at much of anything for a couple more days. if its a sharp pain or it keeps aching for a while go to a doctor even if you dont have insurance. Dont need a sinus infection running rampant even if it is just something that simple. I get random eye pain every now and then from things like bright light ( my eyes are very sensitive to light) Sinuses messing with me or even just eye strain from changing what my eyes are focused on too much. Looking back and forth from my computer screen thats 3 feet away to my tv screen thats 8 feet way back and fourth for hours tends to mess with my eyes. But after a good nap it normaly feels fine again. Being that its only one eye and it hurts more when you move it maybe you just did something weird to the muscles that control your eye. Crazy REM sleep + bad impact with the pillow? who knows. But if its still bugging you in a few days spend the money to see a doctor. Or... wait longer have your eye fall out and get one of those cool pirate eye patches.