Oh. Another "vast right-wing conspiracy." The Republicans tampered with hundred of thousands of voting machines.
The link to "Election Defense Alliance" was entertaining, but no more. That organization is affiliated with Democratic Underground, Truthout.org (proved to be blatant liars elsewhere on TFP) and the Velvet Revolution, among (supposedly) 129 others. My preliminary search indicated no Republican groups were partnered with them. Surely that was because there isn't a single Republican group anywhere which would ever want an accurate election count.
I was unable to find an instance of this "impartial" group investigating a close race in which a Democrat won.
The logical conclusion is that the Democrats, as greedy as ever, have yet to accept the fact that the public is not thrilled with their policies. They therefore are turning to the courts in an attempt to get what they couldn't get at the ballot box.
The Republicans, on the other hand, are acting like grownups.