Here's another one.
An army batallion was marching through the deserts of Iraq, when they came to a hill, where a single Marine stood on top, giving the finger to the General. The general looked at the Captain and said " Send a couple of soldiers up there and kill that Marine!" The Captain sent 5 soldiers over the hill, there was some gunfire, and then the Marine came back on top and gave the General the finger again, apparently unharmed. This upset the General even more, so he told the Captain to send an entire squad to kill the lone Marine. as the squad crossed over the hill, there again was gunfire, with screams and all. AGAIN the lone Marine topped the hill and gave the General TWO fingers! The General was INFURIATED and told the captain to send an entire platoon of soldiers over the hill. As the Platoon went over the other side, HUGE amounts of funfire and yelling ensued. A short time later the Marine AGAIN stood on top of the hill and mooned the General. Having had enough, the General ordered the Captain to PERSONALLY take the rest of the Batallion of soldiers of the hill and "bring me that Marines head!" The whole Batallion charged over the hill screaming and yelling, guns blazing. A few moments later the Captain come crawling over the hill, dragging himself due to the missing leg. As he approached the feet of the General the lone Marine stood on top of the hill and wagged his penis at the General. The general grabbed the Captain and asked him what the hell happened. With his last dying breath the Captain looked at the General and said....."It was a trap!! There were TWO OF THEM!"