Originally Posted by SteelyLoins
In the last ten days, Rove has stolen no elections.. If there have been recounts, court cases, or accusations of voting chicanery, they have been essentially under the radar.
That being the case, the irrational hatred of Rove in evidence here is, to say the least, misplaced.
While very few can say they Like Rove, most give him the respect he is due....the man is quite skilled at his job. Unfortunately for the republican machine, it would seem the tide was too strong to turn, yet they tried to win.....give them credit.
The important thing in my mind now, is to avoid simply continuing the split between parties, and fix a broken system. There is opportunity here, which should be used to benefit the country as a whole, rather than consolidate a power structure. If everyone decides to start working together, rather than against each other we can make this country great again, and increase security at the same time.
As for Over-Moderation...It's a fine line folks, and sometimes gets crossed accidentally. Give the guy a break and try to work within the guidelines we are given. Or....simply join a devoted Politics Board, and beat the hell outa whoever you want, I did.....heh.