Originally Posted by gotekix
I made a promise to myself to be completely honest with the psychiatrist since I've lied to every doctor I've seen out of fear of being labeled a "pansy" or "nut case" because it'll only make matters worse.
It's important to remember that you are not a pansy or a nutcase. No one, and I mean no one, is perfectly sane. When you add in the additional problems from a biochemical issue like bipolar disorder, it's nothing to scoff at or mock. Having seen what the disorder can do to people, I am glad you are getting treatment. Stick to your promise, and don't be afraid to change therapists if it isn't working for you. In addition, keep one of your family members appraised or involved in your therapy, so that they can provide an outside, objective opinion. If you are truly bipolar, when you hit those peaks and valleys, your perception will be so far out of whack that your decision making capability will disappear. You can survive this and have a great life.
Keep us appraised, and good luck!
Veritas et Lux!
Jimmy The Hutt