Thread: Men and Crying
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Old 11-17-2006, 11:08 AM   #19 (permalink)
Location: Under the Radar
Thank you all for your input, and wow, what a wide range of opinions and ideas. I just want to share a couple more of my own to round out the discussion.

Throughout my childhood to pre-teen years, I would cry at the drop of a hat. Sadness, cuts and scrapes, teasing, didn't take much. I found it to be embarassing to cry in front of others, and I tried to suppress it at much as possible.

The last 2 times I remember crying were in college (~15 years ago). The first time was when I thought I was going to flunk out my Freshman year. The second time was when I learned that I was going to get above a 3.0 one semester as a Sophomore. So, one instance was due to sadness and he other due to joy (and seeing my accomplishments compared to Freshman year). Both times I was alone. Anyone, I went from being the blubbering boy to stoic adult.

The only time I ever "cry" now is when I hear certain songs on the radio that bring back memories or songs that might have a sad sounding tune. Oh...and when I cut up onions.

The thought of me crying at this point in my life wouldn't feel embarassing. I'm happy to share any of my feelings with my wife. Our relationship is solid, and we have had many heart-to-heart talks that were emotional. I just never had the impulse to start crying. I've never tried to hold back from just never got to that point.

When I'm happy, I release emotion through laughter, smiling, hugging, and even dancing, but never crying. When I'm sad, I just get quiet or angry. I'm also an eternal optomist, so typically when something bad happens in my life, I always feel like things will turn out OK, so I don't remain sad for long.

Personally, I don't think there's anything wrong with me, but I wasn't sure how common it was for a man to cry or not to cry.

Again, thanks for your helpful input!
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