This is actually supposed to be about cartoons, not the Israel-Arab dispute.
But I think the notion that Israel gets away with more than other countries because of western guilt about the holocaust is facially absurd. Israel gets away with a lot less than countries that have done a lot worse, including the ones who yell most loudly about Israel, like Syria, Saudia Arabia and that ilk. Or you can look at China with Tibet or the Burmese government, or Sudan or Chechnya or any of dozens of examples of massive killing and ethnic cleansing that pretty much goes unremarked compared to the scrutiny Israel gets. In fact, no country gets as much shit for doing as little as Israel does. You can argue about whether any particular thing Israel is doing is right or not - certainly there can be disagreement about that - but this idea that Israel gets a free pass is nutso. About 1/3 of the UN's resolutions are addressed to condeming Israel, fercrissakes.
Anyway, back to discussions of cartoons.