Originally Posted by FoolThemAll
Anti-gay marriage constituents considering homosexuality relevant doesn't make it relevant. Perhaps you're right about me asking the wrong people, but I wouldn't merely ask anti-gay marriage constituents whether they considered it relevant. I would ask them why it's relevant. I would ask them to justify their interest in exposing this particular aspect of a politician's private life.
Host, I don't understand your aim in posting those articles. What's your point?
My point is that I suspect that you, and certainly closeted gay republicans who
attain high profile, elected office, or, as in Ken Mehlman's case, prominent republican party office, are influenced by the 35 years campaign against the news media (AKA "working press") that features, as a cornerstone, the demonization of homosexuals. The Scaife financed apparatus cited in my last post, spearheaded first, by the late Reed Irvine, founder of AIM, and then by his protege,
www.mrc.org 's Bozell, has had a great deal of influence over the media's coverage of homosexuals and gay rights issues.
The purpose is to mobilize the christian right to support an ultra-conservative agenda, and to tar the major press outlets, and their reporting, as tainted by liberal bias to the point that the information that they distribute is wholly unreliable....hence the "need" for alternative "news"....that has pushed out, for many conservatives, the "news" that the rest of us, receive, digest, and arm ourselves with as one of several components of information that helps us navigate in the "reality based" environment that we function in.
The vacuum created after the news gathering apparatus is pushed aside, is filled by approved aim.org , and mrc.org "organs"....Limbaugh, Drudge, townhall.com, NRO, powerline blog, and to an extent, by foxnews and washington times ....of course, Scaife's Pittsburgh "newspaper" is there to provide "approved" news, too.
This movement created distortion....consider Rep. David Dreier, and his life mate and house mate, and chief of staff, Brad W. Smith....this is the legislative work these two have supported:
....... Raw Story has provided some fascinating details about Smith. It appears that he is the highest-paid chief of staff to any House committee chair. Smith’s $156,600 salary is just $400 less than that of White House chief of staff Andy Card and Bush political commissar Karl Rove. By comparison, the chief of staff to the chair of the House Judiciary Committee makes $126,000, while the chief of staff to the chair of the House Ways and Means Committee makes just $100,696. New Jersey Democratic Governor Jim McGreevey was recently forced to resign when it was about to become public that he had put his boyfriend on the public payroll at a salary slightly less than the one which Dreier pays Smith.
Neither Dreier, Smith, nor the congressman’s press secretary would return several telephone calls and detailed voice mails seeking comment. A staff member on Monday hung up the phone when I called back........
........Frank threatened to out a number of gay-baiting Republican fellow congressmen, the rule insists that outing is only acceptable when a person uses their power or notoriety to hurt gay people.
Dreier clearly meets that standard, for his voting record is strewn with anti-gay positions. To cite just a few: He opposed the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA), which would have banned discrimination against gay people in hiring; voted for the gay-bashing Defense of Marriage Act; voted for banning adoption by gay and lesbian couples in the District of Columbia (3,000 miles away from Dreier’s district); voted to allow federally funded charities to discriminate against gays in employment, even where local laws prohibit such bias; and voted against the Hate Crimes Prevention Act.
Dreier is not just a political homophobe but a heartless AIDS-phobe as well, voting against the Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA) program designed to give shelter to the impoverished sick, and against funding for the federal ADAP program that furnishes the poor with the AIDS meds they need to stay alive.
Dreier can probably survive outing in his district and be re-elected, and it won’t hurt him much with Arnold and his cronies either. But Dreier’s days as a key member of the ultra-homophobic Hastert-DeLay House GOP leadership may be numbered.......
....and here is Bozell, in 1992:
..........That is where the third element of the equation, media watchdog organizations, comes into play. The godfather of the movement is, of course, Reed Irvine and his Accuracy in Media organization. Formed in 1969, AIM was for years virtually the only group which dedicated itself exclusively to the fight against the liberal press. In the '70s others began producing credible studies documenting the liberal tilt within the press. To counter the growing evidence, the press cynically fell back to another line of defense: Our coverage of Topic X may have been biased, but this does not scientifically prove we are personally biased.
Media Bias Exposed
This argument collapsed in 1982 when Drs. Robert and Linda Lichter and Stanley Rothman published "Media and Business Elites," a survey to determine the personal persuasions of the press itself, and the evidence clearly demonstrated just how leftist the national media were: <b>From 1964 to 1976, the media had voted for the Democratic candidate at least 81 percent of the time; 90 percent favored abortion; 76 percent found nothing wrong with homosexuality; only 47 percent believed adultery was wrong; 50 percent had no religious affiliation. Rather than admit their biases, reporters retreated to their final line of defense: OK, the media may be biased, but I'm not.</b> With that in mind, the Media Research Center was launched to restore political balance in the media by exposing and neutralizing the liberal agenda within the so-called objective press.
The cornerstone of the MRC is its research capabilities. Today the MRC has the most sophisticated research operation ever assembled, more advanced than any university or media organization. Researchers tape, analyze and input into a computerized database summaries of every single network news show, including virtually all ABC, CBS, CNN, NBC and PBS news broadcasts, weekly news shows, political talk shows, and special reports.
The MRC research capabilities are virtually boundless. ..........
..........David Shaw of the Los Angeles Times, who wrote the masterful series on the media's promotion of the pro-choice movement, spent considerable time at our offices conducting research for his piece. Indeed, I will go so far as to warrant that 90 percent of the stories in both the electronic and print media which deal with the political bias in the industry have their origins in the Media Research Center.
The Future is Bright
Why should conservatives be optimistic about the media? Because our future is bright, but only if we take advantage of it............
......<b>Imagine, if you will, a future wherein the media willfully support the foreign policy objectives of the United States.</b> A time when the left can no longer rely on the media to promote its socialist agenda to the public. A time when someone, somewhere in the media can be counted on to extol the virtues of morality without qualifications. When Betty Friedan no longer qualifies for "Person of the Week" honors. When Ronald Reagan is cited not as the "Man of the Year," but the "Man of the Century."......
FoolThemAll, <b>I deliberately take the opposite POV of Richard Mellon Scaife and his late puppet Reed Irvine, and his living puppet, L. Brent Bozell III, nephew of William F. Buckley. It is the only way that I can keep their disinformation from infecting my POV. I think that their 35 year old "psy-op" is clouding your thinking, just as I think it has kept republican gays closeted.</b> I think it is a pox on the land. It's influence is everywhere, and it is the antithesis of what I believe, free thinking people in a republic where the press is challenged to act as the "fourth estate", should be exposing themselves to.
I think that you are not keeping away from this narrowcasting, and a symptom of the effect of it's influence on you, is the basis for your posts on this thread. <b>I know that my opinion has not been salted by the influence of Scaife's money and ideology.</b> I would learn to enjoy gay sex if it was a way to keep Scaife's psy-ops out of my brain!