Hey! I'm living in Argentina right now. Not such a bad place but has it's problems like everywhere else. I travelled through mexico, central america and south america to get here. Argentina is by far the better option for you btw, since Brazil is more expensive, more dangerous and has tougher immigration. Gotta love the beaches and girls there though.
So... I should be happy, but I'm not all the time. Even tonight I've got nothing to do and feel kind of down. Even on this massive adventure that most people would kill for, I have my problems too. We ALL lose focus at times and feel alone.
I can't speak spanish for one thing. Taking lessons but it's going so slow. PLEASE do yourself a favor and learn spanish before you attempt to move here. Also, save up at least $5,000 to pay for your way here and back if things don't work out. Get a second job or whatever.
Another thing is that it's easier to get a job in Argentina from outside the country. It's mainly an immigration thing but really important. There's tons of jobs for english speaking people working in call centers and things like that. The downside is the wages suck bigtime. The minimum wage here is something like 500 pesos, which is less that $200 USD a month. Even doctors don't make much more than $500 a month when they first start out. Call center staff make "good" money of like 1200 or 1500 pesos a month, so divide by 3 to US dollars. Cost of living for me here is about 1000 a month btw. You will NOT get rich here unless you start your own business.
Regarding your depression... I've been through that stage and don't envy you at all. The good news is that it's fixable but the change is within yourself. I've had several turning points in my life, with the most important getting an education so I could have a career in Television. Worked my way up to being a director and then had to quit because I couldn't take it anymore. Good thing is it made me wealthy.
Another turning point for me was to just sit back and think about what I wanted to do, or should I say, how I wanted it to read if it was an obituary. If I could pick the ideal situation, what would it be? It's a thought process I'm finding myself in again as I've decided Argentina isn't the place for me longterm. Now I want to go back to Canada and start a new career and join whatever ratrace is going on. haha. Then maybe Asia. Or Africa.
Another important turning point for me was to read the Anthony Robbins book "personal power" which, I know, is basically a joke to many people but the first half really made me think. What is your focus and do you have one? If it's to go to Argentina, then focus on that. Stop wasting your money on anything you don't have to buy. And I mean anything. Save, save, save. Make peace with your family no matter what it takes. Sell everything you own that can't fit in a backpack.
It's like walking down the street with somewhere to go compared to just wandering. When you've got a focus it's easy and quicker to get to your target. Make your purpose getting to Argentina if you want.
Enroll in Spanish classes and become the best student in the class. Search the internet and read other peoples advice about coming here because, it can be a bit complicated and is certainly different. If you think you'll leave loneliness or anything behind... you won't. It gets tougher here, especially when you're an outsider and people are seriously out to rip you off. I'm lucky if any of my new friends remembers who I am a week after meeting them because they're so "busy" all the time. Fucking crazy people...
Where I live, the girls are amazing looking and the weed is super cheap. Less than $20 for an ounce. Food is cheap and the place is bizarre in a European way. Arg is one of the best places in SA other than Colombia but, I couldn't live there for a number of reasons, specifically violence and the military.
Wow.. I'm kind of pumped up now. Reading my own advice has kind of motivated me to get my shit together tonight. Go work on my spanish homework and plan the next adventure down here, to the southern tip of SA.