OK. here is my $.02 worth.
She appears to be a personally powerful woman. Her high degrees and early rise in sucess leads me to belive she is the type to go after what she wants. This is not a BAD thing. but mind you that in MY experience, powerful women usually (not ALL the time) prefer to have a strong man at her side. I notice a pattern here....when you make a specific direct statement (no more staying at her place durring dates, etc.), she agrees with you and accepts your decision. This makes me believe that she is enjoying the fact that you are NOT evidently intimidated by her sucess. (Again a good thing) The fact that an ex is living with her, and appears jealous of your relationships tells me why he is an ex...He can't stand to see her with another man, and is acting childish(making noises when you two are in her room) so she is subconsiously enjoying making him squirm.
I see you making good decisions as far as communications.
I would consider possibly that she MAY be finding it difficult to be "alone" at home (i.e. not having a roomate) as many men AND women do.
Keep up the good work, and let us know how things go. I for one am quite curious to see how it goes.
"It is not that I have failed, but that I have found 10,000 ways that it DOESN'T work!" --Thomas Edison