Originally Posted by willravel
1) Ride your bike to work. I've started doing this, and I've noticed that my energy has doubled. I am only about 4 miles from work, but I'd reccomend this unless you're more than 7-8 miles from work (or the onyl way to get to work is a highway).
2) Join a gym. Usually people have a problem with staying motivated. Even the best of us tend to crap out on diets and exercise programs after a short time (thus the obesity epidemic). Joining a gym doesn't just get you access to great equiptment, it gives you a musclar asshole that motivates you to no end. Personal trainers are the cure to the common lazy bug. The great thing about personal trainers is that they are able to give you all the advise you need, and stay on you until you reach your goal. While the nice people on TFP can help, we can't go with you.
3) Eat stuff that grazes, swims, and grows in a field, orchard, on or in the ground. Nothing is as good as natural food. Fruits, veggies, lean meat, basic dairy (yogurt, nonfat milk, etc.), and whole grains are imparitive to any diet. Eat when you're hungry, and stop when you're full. I say that 6 small meals a day, with breakfast being the largest, is the best diet any man can get. If you need something sweet, go for it, but don't gorge. Also, drink at least twice as much water as you drink now. 8 glasses a day is okay if you're 4 years old, but as a 6'6" man, you'll need about 3 times that, and that's without exercise. If you're hungry, eat. If you're thirsty, drink water, 100% fruit juice, milk, light beer, etc. Sodas suck. Energy drinks suck.