To me, it doesn't necissarily sound like you're DEPRESSED, per se, just totally and completely fed up with the direction your life is going right now. That's totally OK and happens to pretty much everyone at least once in their lives. The good news is that by recognizing it, fixing it gets easier.
First thing to do is to sit down and say "OK. My life is NOT how I want it, and I WILL be chaning that." You must affirm to yourself that your situation is fixable, because it IS fixable and you can't lose sight of that. Next, realize that things aren't going to change overnight, but that you can see dramatic results with a little elbow grease and some patience. Make a three month plan- what changes would you like to see in the next three months. Write down anything that comes to mind- "Get a new job","Move into my own place","Save money." After you've written all those things down, write down what you think you could do to accomplish those things.
For example, If you say you want a new job, what can you do to get one? Make a case for a promotion/raise at work. Figure out what you'd like to be doing and go around to companies that are doing just that, asking for jobs. Or, figure out what you'd like to be doing and find out where in the country you can do that. Remember that 80% of job openings are not advertised in the newspaper, and must be "hunted down" by talking to people within the companies you're interested in working for.
"Move into my own place" and "Save money" kidna go hand in hand. Look at your expenses- chances are there's plenty of places you can trim the fat and start saving up money to either move far, far away, or at least into your own place. It might not seem like it right now, thinking about it off the top of your head, but trust me, if you look at every recepit you've had in the last month, you'll find that you're probably spending money on far more frivilous things than you think. Eating out is a huge money waster, because one person can live a long time on $10 of food cooked at home.
Also, it sounds like you'd like to meet more people. The easiest way to do this, and I know it sounds cliche'd, is to change your surroundings. Start going to different bars, take up a new hobby, hell... start taking a walk around the neighborhood in the evenings. Anything to prompt a change of scenery, which in turn will have you running into different people that are all potential friends.
The trick, gotekix, is not to sit there and stagnate in your own thoughts. You must create your own momentum. That means, no one is going to come along and light a fire under your butt. You're an adult now, you have to light your own fire. You have NO reason not to pack up and move somewhere new, other than fear. And fear is what's keeping you where you are right now- you're afraid that you might lose what money you have, you're afraid of getting sick or incurring a large bill and not having the money to pay for it, you're afraid you might not find another job. Stop being afraid of everything and look at it for what it is- a situation that you have the power to change.
Would this even solve anything or only make matters worse?
That's up to you. You have the power and the capability to change your life, you just have to decide to use that power to get the most out of things. And remember, people DO care about you, I personally care about you because I know what it's like to be in that situation and I'd love to see you make the changes you want to.