Originally Posted by cj2112
Did you even read the statistics you quoted, or were you hoping we wouldn't? Those aren't the gun death rates for all the countries of the world, only those who fall into the category of "richest in the world". I notice that "rich" isn't defined.
As far as your argument about the children? We call that trolling.
As for your rich comment, it would have been helpful for that survey if they had defined rich, a fair point, I had failed to notice this lack of information myself, but that doesnt mean I didn't read it. I'm sure you can pick anyone to pieces if it suits your cause, believe what you choose, I wont force you to think any differently.
If Im a troll your a banana, I've seen a hell of alot worse written on this forum than what I've written in this thread, and havent seen the troll accusation thrown around as lightly as you have. Settle petal.