Originally Posted by Carno
I didn't say that, nor do I think that.
sorry.. it's just that this sure sounded like that.
Originally Posted by Carno
it's going to be from a woman who rubs her body on men for a living. I'm not into women who have slept around a lot
but if not, then no problem
Now back to the OP. Another thing you have to consider is the type of club you go to.. the more upscale the club, the more expecting the dancers are. They are used to guys/girls with a wad of cash to throw around..the seedy joints are used to guys/girls who just have a little bit of cash but don't mind blowing it on a stripper. The seedy joint girls often do more for their money. Me on the other hand only go to the "upscale" joints because I like the atmosphere better. I can relax and drink with my boys and don't have to worry about some chick missing 3 teeth trying to bleed my cash flow.