Infiniti got her name because when we were bringing her home (Sean and I) she curled up into a ball to sleep, we couldn't tell where she began or ended. Hence, her name.
Echo was backing up to a corner to go to the bathroom, the day we brought him home. Sean and I stepped forward to stop him (to train him to go into the cage and do business there) and he "screamed" (very Shrill!) and it echoed throughout the apartment.
Mischeif would get into everything, hide a lot of stuff, chew on clothes/socks and get the other ferrets into trouble.
Jester, as a baby, would trip over his own feet all the time, then get mad and hop around "barking" (dooking; a noise they make) at the "invisible" cause. LOL!
Image (IMEJ) was so pretty. She was the perfect Image, and she also completed our Fabulous Five - Infiniti, Mischeif, Echo, Jester = Imej.
Symphoni was bought for my former roommate, Jenn, as a gift. She was so dark and lovely. Her barks were melodic.
Ferrets = Babies...someone's babies = ferrets.
In 2004/2005, after owning Symphoni and adopting 2 more ferrets (Maestro and Orchestra), I found out that my former roommate, Jenn, had to give up her ferrets. She gave them up to a girl, named Kelli, and her boyfriend, Josh. They had ferrets of their own at the time, and took on the 3 that Jenn had.
Maestro died within the first year of living with Kelli and Josh, he crawled up a rolled up section of carpet, got stuck and suffocated.
He was a gorgeous ferret.
In 2005, my ex-boyfriend was seeing this girl who was caring for a friend's ferrets...lo and behold, Symphoni was one of them. I was introduced to Kelli and Josh shortly after finding out this news.
Earlier in 2006, Kelli and Josh were evicted from their home and Kelli brought her 6 babies to live with me: Buddah, Triniti, Li'l Bit, Symphoni, Orchestra (we called him Grampa since he was the oldest), and Rolli Polie. They joined my three: Infiniti, Jester, and Image.
I owned and cared for them from March 2006 to September 2006. They all were my babies. Kelli and Josh and I became very close as friends since I met them, over the last few years. Kelli and I, especially. Her babies are my babies and vice-versa. She's Momma Kelli; I'm Momma Bree.
We lost Rolli Polie in August, Orchestra (Grampa) in September, Image - lost 2days before Jester passed - still has not been found, and we lost Jester in October.
Kelli and Josh currently live in Tennessee now with Buddah, Triniti, Li'l Bit and Symphoni.