I'm sorry but the Mohammed cartoon and this are completely different. First, this was a tailored response. Hell, they held a contest asking for entries in this instance while the other was just a political cartoon that happened at random. Second, this is just another excuse to attack the FACT of the holocaust and Israel. What did Jews or Israel have to do with the Danish cartoon again? Oh yeah, nothing of substance so why attack them. Third, back to the fact issue, does no else see a fundamental difference in action of violating a religious taboo (of a religion that the actor and the majority of the audience are not a part) and holding a contest specifically meant to poke fun at the great genocidal event of the modern era? Come on people! I'm not one to cowtow to the US especially on hypocracy issues, but there is a clear and bright line between violating another's taboo through carelessness and intending to harm/deny the suffering of an entire society. Yes it's fine to criticize the Israeli government and even aspects of Jewish culture, but to poke fun or, even worse, deny horrible fact crosses a moral line that any thinking, feeling person should take offense at. Finally, yes, this is covered by freedom of the press but let's not go heralding the how free and strong the Iranian press is just because in our country this would be allowed despite it rubbing a lot of people the wrong way. This contest was held specifically to fall in line with the governmental popular position of anti-semitism. Do you think they could have held a contest like this offensive to Islam or the government? Hell, do you think they could have held any contest or even article that critiqued the established positions of their president? Free press my butt. There is nothing redeemable about this contest even if in other papers or in other countries there may have been.
"The courts that first rode the warhorse of virtual representation into battle on the res judicata front invested their steed with near-magical properties." ~27 F.3d 751