Originally Posted by jorgelito
I think the West lost an opportunity to be the "bigger man" here. Instead of overreacting just like the Muslims did, they should have just brushed it off and even embracing it as free speech.
I looked at the description of the cartoon and didn't really get what the fuss was about. And besides, it's just the opinion of a cartoonist.
I dont get your "bigger man" argument. I dont think the US and Israel have "overreacted" nor do I think they should just "brush it off".
IMO, both the US and Israel governments have responded appropriately by condemning the extremist Islamic government of Iran for this "contest" and not broadly condemning Islam or suggesting in any way that it represesents more that what it is.
As to free speech, I suspect we will see the cartoon in the media of both the US and Israel, with a proper description and without mischaracterizing it, as some here seem prone to do when it comes to the acts of Muslim extremists.