People have always escaped in one way or another. Is it getting worse? Maybe. Is escapism dangerous? I guess it depends on how you escape. If it is a mindless detachment from whatever your watching, reading, listening to, etc. I would say its dangerous, its a waste of your brainwaves if it doesn't challenge you to do something. The other type of escapism is one that you take the reigns of. A controlled escapism. Letting something challenge your ideas and then debating them. I would be more worried about people going to see movies all the time and then never talking about them. Sometimes a common movie experience or a common book, can bring people together, as it does here. Is that dangerous escapism? I don't think so. Sharing a common viewing experience can bring to the forefront ideas about Friendship, Love, Justice, Death, and God, and then we share our ideas on them.
Movies, Books, Comic Books, Music, the Internet. These things are as mindless as one chooses to make them. They can be as trivial or as important as you want.
Lord, have mercy on my wicked soul
I wouldn't mistreat you baby, for my weight in gold.
-Son House, Death Letter Blues