I just breezed through the email. but serriously, you arent obligated to be eating turkey anywhere at any time. Im planning on going hunting with a friend for thanksgiving, as opposed to being with my family. sure my dad might be dissapointed that I wont be there to work over the thanksgiving holiday, but meh. Im sure your dad doesnt much care about what you do on thanksgiving either.
I would say that unless they are sponsoring you financially in some way, then you are your own man with your own plans.
write her back and apoligize that life got in the way of some obscure holiday. honestly, if she really wanted to see you and the whole family together, she would have the sense to move the holiday plans to a different date....
EDIT: I read the rest of the email..so you were going to go to thanksgiving dinner, but she doesnt like lily...so... I dunno man, sounds like an old school guilt trip/I dont like lily rant to me
I had to call my grandmother out about guilt trips once...but have never had to do it again (and no, she isnt dead).
and I can see why you sent her an email about the subject instead of calling, It was very factual and to the point. she got upset because she didnt get to make you feel bad over the phone at the minimum.
Last edited by waltert; 10-29-2006 at 11:07 PM..