Your mother owes you a massive apology, and would greatly benifit from seeing a counsoler. There's not much to say that hasn't been said. Her language, despite syntax, is that of a 5 year old who didn't get her candy. Instead of dealing with the lack of candy, she lashed out at you and your fience. Her problems dwarf your own, and I'm very sorry for that. If you're going to confront her about this attack, and you probably should as this kind of open wound can become infected, please do so in a structured environment with a professional. Don't communicate via e-mail or phone in resolving this, as I doubt it will end peacefully. She needs to understand that her behavior is childish at best, and despicable at worst, while being moderated by an unbiased and trained intermediary.
LPM, you're a strong woman, and I know you'll come out on the other side of thiis eating disorder happy and healthy. We're all pulling for you.