Just to clarify something, as I'm the one that is "destroying" nwlinkvxd's relationship (and after reading JinnKai's last comment):
I have had an eating disorder for years. It has never been for attention or me just "acting up." I had an eating disorder for nearly five years before I met nwlinkvxd, so it's not just something I made up to keep him with me.
What disgusts me even more is that his mother pretends to understand eating disorders, as she is a clinical dietician...and yet, she claims I'm doing this as a way to get pity from nwlinkvxd. No, in fact, I am utterly EXHAUSTED by my eating disorder, after being pulled back and forth by the voice and will of some imaginary force that keeps me from eating normally. It's why I go to a counsellour, why I've told the people who seem to care most about me (aka nwlinkvxd, my mother, my sister) so they can keep me in check. I don't pretend to starve myself, don't pretend to love throwing up. My one soul want in life is to be able to enjoy food for what it is: nourishment. I crave the day that I'm able to say "I accomplished _____, _____, and ______ without needing the coping mechanism of food."
And that is not all that bothers me about her email. I have ALWAYS tried to go outside of my comfort boundaries to get along with his mother. I sit with her while Kevin does his "chores" when we come to stay at his parents' house, and talk to her. I am ALWAYS the one that initiates the greeting. "Hi, how are you?" Her response is always a chilly, "Oh fine." Doesn't ask how I'm doing, doesn't ask me what's up. So her blatant LIE of saying that they've always tried to have open arms to me makes me irate. MY FAMILY even invited Kevin's family over to have dinner a couple years ago (when my mother was consequently suffering from cancer, and hence exhaustion, and couldn't go out to restaurants due to a lowered immune system), and his mother's excuse for not accepting the invitation was that they would feel "uncomfortable" having a cup of coffee or dinner in my parents' house. Let's see...what else? Oh, yeah, whenever his parents have aided Kevin (and at the same time, me as well- an example is their helping us to move into our new apartment this year), I ALWAYS have been the one to write a lovely thank-you note to them.
We have always tried to schedule time for both our families, and it's not like we're just always over at my parents' house. In fact, due to his mother's whining, my family has been put on hold MANY times.
It's just stressing and exhausting, as if school/work/life doesn't stress us out enough...