Asaris - he meant man was ignorant of the sin.
The only sin that Adam possibly could have committed prior to eating the fruit was just that - eating the fruit (and also of the Tree of Life, since he was told not to eat that as well. He didn't, thankfully, so we're all still mortal. *Whew*).
That was the only law that had been set down, so it was the only sin that could be committed. Anything else would not only be unintentional - it wouldn't technically be wrong, because God had not forbid it and thus Adam couldn't possibly have known (all he knows at this point is what God's told him).
Once he eats the fruit, he gains his conscience, and thus the ability to sin (going against that innate conscience).
Sho Nuff: Lucifer let his pride get in the way and thought he was God's equal, when confronted he tried to lead his army of angels (1/3 of the total) against God's, lost, and was cast down.
Also, the only time God decided to destroy the world was during the Great Flood, not with the coming of Jesus - that was to save us from sin, not to destroy evil or the world or anything.
I suppose I can look up specific passages from the Bible online if you wish, since I failed to bring my to college with me (not a practicing Christian). But I have a fairly decent grasp of some of the precepts (though don't get me wrong, there are far more Christians, atheists, and who knows what with worlds more info than I).