Originally Posted by flstf
You would think they would realize they just heard a word that sounds something like a racial slur but give him the benefit of the doubt until they know the meaning.
This is the legacy that political correctness has wrought. I knew we were in trouble years ago when I covered the appointment process for a superintendent of schools. All the candidates were men, yet one idiot on the committee flew into a rage when someone mentioned the qualifications "he" should have. I saw then that we were on the path toward language that must not offend, even if in order to avoid offense we must be inaccurate in the language.
It started innocently enough at first - people tired of saying "he or she" every 5 seconds replaced it with "they" even if the subject was a single person.
Now we've gotten to the point where simply saying what you mean, even if none of the words are offensive, can get you fired simply because some brainless fool decided to take offense anyway.
Why do stories like this piss me off so much? Because it's absolutely ridiculous that I risk my career every time I open my mouth because I never know when some mockery-of-Darwin might be in the audience and decide to get offended.