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Old 10-20-2006, 08:28 AM   #3 (permalink)
ngdawg's Avatar
Location: on the back, bitch
Originally Posted by ASU2003
Are you going to look for work right away?
I am always looking for another job.
Originally Posted by ASU2003
Do you need to find any job you can to pay the bills?
In my case, yes. Spouse is a skilled tradesman. In some ways, that's not as good because it's less flexible.
Originally Posted by ASU2003
Would you apply for jobs in a different city than the one you live in now?
I do that now. I'm not immune to the idea of picking up and going or getting something that would require travel.
Originally Posted by ASU2003
Do you think you would ever want to start your own business?
I am doing that now, with very limited success. I've yet to make back my initial supply outlay and may never do that, but doing something you love, even at a loss, is better than doing only what's necessary to survive.
Originally Posted by ASU2003
Would you want to take 3, 6, 12 months off to travel the world?
Not the world necessarily. There's so much about this country to discover yet.
Originally Posted by ASU2003
Would you just take a few months off to unwind?
Been there, done that, gained the weight. It's overrated.
Originally Posted by ASU2003
Would you stay home and watch your kid(s) instead of sending them to day care?
Stayed home their first 6 years, until they were in first grade and from that point, only worked while they were in school. I highly recommend taking time to be home with your kids. They're only kids once and childhood is swift.
Originally Posted by ASU2003
Do you have enough saved up to retire?
Our retirement plan: Work until death.
Originally Posted by ASU2003
Have you ever thought about it or have some other idea planned?
I always have 'ideas' planned. Reality has a way of biting into those plans, though. Right now, working a lousy job and still having time to do what I love seems the best compromise. And it's not even that the job is that lousy-more that the pay really sucks.
Don't blame me. I didn't vote for either of'em.
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