Thread: Sick of this.
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Old 10-20-2006, 12:41 AM   #1 (permalink)
Sick of this.

I'm really just sick of the place I'm at in life right now. I'm 21 years old, been living in this city for over 3 years now, and really don't have any friends here. When I first moved here I was working, and the job I was at, everyone was significantly older than me. I then entered school and have been doing that for the last few years.
I did have a GF for about a year, and I guess that kept me busy for that time period. Now we have been broken up for about 5 months. At first I kept busy working alot. I would work 6-7 days a week on average. Now that I'm back in school for the winter I seem to have alot of free time on my hands and it's really starting to put a toll on me.
I wouldnt consider me anti-social at all. Although I am not very outgoing. I like to dress well and my style I guess would be considered preppy. I dunno. Point is I'm not a stinky slob who no one would want to be around. I talk to many people in class, but that seems to be it. I take part in an intermural sport though school, however the games are so late that everyone just shows up @ game time then goes home to sleep right after.
I have a few thoughts going on in my head on what I want to do.
One is to take the next semester off from school, and move somewhere new.
Right now I'm at a community college, and next year I will have to transfer to a new university. right now I'm thinking that what ever school I goto I will live in the dorms (right now I just live in a 1brdm apt). I figure living in the dorms will give me opportunity to meet people outside of class.
I don't know if I should take the next semester off or not, as of right now I don't know if I could handle another semester of not really knowing anyone, living the same life I am right now. I probably will end up going to school next semester as that is the easy and safe thing to do. Although moving somewhere new seems interesting. I could do it myself, or I have an old friend that I talk to and he mentioned moving in with him.
I believe that there is probably alot of people in my situation, its just hard to meet people and make friends in class it seems.
Right now, I guess I'm just depressed, lonely and dont even know if this post is in any order and making sense.

Last edited by Temporary_User; 10-20-2006 at 12:45 AM..
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