Originally Posted by slimshaydee
I will as soon as I can work out what she meant by the you act like my brother comment.
If anything, the worst thing you can do is obsess over it- because the last thing you want to do is bring it to her attention more. Brother comparisons are tough because no matter how good the comparison is, either of you dwelling on it before you've even asked her out is ingredient number one in the recipe for failure.
Attractive single girls are like a house that's for sale. You know other people have been in there, and that's ok, but you want to make it your own. It's perfect for you, but it's perfect for a lot of other people, too. You gotta close the deal on that before someone else swoops in. You do not have time to stand around second-guessing yourself and wondering if you'll be the next one with the keys to the place.
...and trim the foliage out front. (I had to.)