There are many women that don't have an orgasm until after children. I'm one of those women and I enjoyed sex before. The night I finally "let go", I'm beggin' the boss for us to "do THAT AGAIN!!!" He chuckled and said, "Give me a few minutes dear." LOL!
I'm not sure if it was all a mental blockage or if it was a physical one. But, I do know that it helps to be in a relaxed state. No outside thoughts, physically relaxed, and total focus of the moment.
Another note...........and one that I hope doesn't depress the OP, but some women actually reach their sexual peeks in their late 30's or 40's. However, I find that young women that feel good about themselves sexually, doesn't seem to have problems with orgasms. It helps if the young woman has had a good image about love and sex from their parents. And if the preacher actually recommended the book, "Joy of Sex". That was sure embarrassing at the time! LOL! But, if you figure the preacher says it's okay to have sex in any kind of manner and enjoy it, it must be OKAY!
Good luck and have lots of patience.