Originally Posted by analog
Ok first of all...
DUDE. SERIOUSLY. lol... pay attention! You can't even remember the really big super-secret compliment she gave you? Little things like that will come back to bite you in the ass... and you should be paying attention anyway.
The problem is, when I talk to her she's not the only thing on my mind. My life is really busy at the moment so I always have stuff on my mind that I'm constantly thinking about. Not to mention I get complemented fairly regularly by people, and while I'm quite flattered by the compliments I get, I don't remember individual ones.
Why are you asking if you should? If we all said no, would you seriously not ask out an attractive, single girl who apparently likes you? You need a friendly smack in the back of the head.
I don't like to ask out girls unless I have a pretty good idea othat they will accept. Got rejected a few too many times when I was younger because I was a shy kid who was slightly chubby.
Now here's a funky gray area, though it should not stop you from asking her out... but i've maintained there's a difference between a girl saying, "you remind me of my brother because of x" and "you're like a brother to me". The former I've always seen as a simple comparison. The latter is usually the kiss of death. Really though, she's specifically comparing you to someone because of some specific quality, not just saying "you're like a brother to me".
That's how I thought of it originally. That sounds pretty reasonable to me (:
Just ask her out, man. If you don't, someone else will- so do it now.
I think sometimes you just need someone to tell you to just fucking do it. Good advice (:
Originally Posted by feelgood
Its interesting that you recommend him to ask her out, especially when she's on a "break" with her bf. Now that's a big grey area that I wouldn't want to mess around with. Anybody remember that friend episode where Ross and Rachel was fighting about the "break" BS?
She told me they broke up. That was about 4 weeks ago so I don't know what's happened since then because I haven't really cared to know. I'm sure she would have brought it up if she's back with him or dating someone else.