Here's the thing, most religous people who belong to religons that believe in end times are content to know that someday there will be end times and they live their lives. Most of them are good people just trying to make their way in the world and to be good people. I respect these people. I aplaude these people. Mose are cool. Most, not all. Some religous people are content to live life believing that God will return to judge in their lifetimes, and even worse these people somehow think that they can act as a catalyst for judgment day. These few are clearly insane, and should seek professional help*. If someone from the latter group were to become president, we would all be in serious trouble. Can you imagine making policy with the firm belief that sometime in the next 30 years it would all be gone? That is the reason I fear and loathe theocracy, and that is the reason I am concerned with presidents (or anyone else for that matter) making political decisions based on religous beliefs.
*Sorry if I offended anyone, but read the bible. It's very clear that God and God alone knows when the last day will be, and we are not supposed to guess.