I am getting the feeling that she is bothered by the fact that she hasn't caught him with his hand in the honey jar. Perhaps that would be that last straw that would help her make up her mind once and for all.
Anyway, I don't think she's really asking for advice as much as some validation for her feelings. Seems likely that she already knows what she has to do, or is going to do, and is just looking for some support and encouragement. As much as it may be blatantly obvious to a lot of us that her children would be better off not living in a home that continues to be broken, that is surprisingly not what some believe. I've known many women whose husbands were cheating on them repeatedly, but they stayed with their husbands 'because of the kids'. What a lousy cop-out if you ask me, but their hearts were in the right place at least.
Who is John Galt?