Well, it is interesting that you ask this question because **I** am a lesbian who has fallen in love with a man. Which begs the question, was I ever a lesbian at all? I certainly believed I was, in fact, when it comes to women i've been intimate with, i have the LEAST amount of sexual experience with men out of all of them. I am 30 years old, have never had intercourse with a man and have never wanted to. (Now I have had intercourse with a bulldyke wearing a purple double dildo but that is another story altogether!)
I am not your "typical" lesbian, in that I'm quite feminine in appearance and action (so my ever hopeful mother wanted to label me "bisexual"), I just, frankly, never fell in love (or lust) with a man...and TRULY believed I was incapable. I had been comfortable in my status as a "raging lesbian" from the time I lost my virginity to my first girlfriend at 18 up until the moment I met.....HIM. Now what is ridiculous, is, he is married, old enough to be my father, AND he's my boss (mom was initially excited at my new "bisexual" identity till she found out these sorbid details). My inner feminist is at a loss with her dissapointment in me. But...I am utterly in love with this man, granted, it is unconsummated love, due mainly to the fact that he is married but...the sexual attraction is electric...and the emotional is too...and I obsess day and night about being with him in a sexual way...the fact that I cannot tears me up inside...in fact, I worry that he will make a move and I will be unable to resist it (ok if he makes a move I KNOW I won't resist it) I find it morally wrong to be with someone who is married, but even THAT is not stopping me from the feelings I experience. So...my answer is yes....a lesbian CAN fall for a man....tho i guess that doesn't make her much of a lesbian....I think sexuality is a bit fluid...evolving, changing....
Anyway That's my 2 cents
suzie que