here is the first post regarding neofascist parties in western europe--i concentrated on the front national first because i am most familiar with them and because they are among the models for most neofascist organizations, organizationally and ideologically.
there is a ton of stuff available in french, but less in english.
so i opted to bite only english material, even though it is not a comparably quality or quantity.
if you read french, you should have a look at the fn's website for its own summary of its platform.
also have a look at the dispute page on the wikipedia article.
a summary taken from a 1989 analysis of the french Front National.
the rest of the analysis is available at the link below.
The Political Ideas of Le Front National
Before moving on to consider the reasons for the Front National's recent electoral sucesses, it is useful to consider some of the ideas that they represent. Although the details of their political programme undergo slight changes from year to year, there are a number of important areas of consistency. The Front National has been consistently hostile towards:
the dominant political parties - the Front National is very much an `anti-party' party and Le Pen frequently denounces la bande des quatre of the PS, the PCF, the RPR and the UDF - who he accuses of being both corrupt and devoid of practical ideas to solve France's problems;
the Left, i.e. Socialists, Communists, trade unionists, in particular, all of whom have contributed to the `degeneration' of the French nation;
immigrants and ethnic minorities, especially those from North and Sub-Saharan Africa, who are draining France's resources, causing crime and unrest and undermining the integrity of French national identity;
closer European integration and Brussels-based bureaucrats;
homosexuals - Le Pen advocates isolating AIDS sufferers from society by placing them in a special `sidatorium';
intellectuals, especially those of the Left or homosexuals (see above);
the `permissive society', encouraged by Left-wingers, homosexuals, and feminists in the 1960s and 1970s;
reproductive choice for women (especially abortion).
On the other hand, the Front National has shown great support for:
the definitive closure of France's borders to non-European migrants and the end to family reunification (le regroupement familial);
the restricting the number of asylum seekers allowed residence (le droit d'asile);
the repatriation of three million non-European immigrants, starting with the unemployed and delinquents (on the grounds that they are responsible for unemployment, crime and civic unrest);
the reduction of benefits and access to housing allowed to those remaining - `les Français de souche' to be given preference when distributing benefts and housing;
restricting access to full French citizenship to immigrants;
the repeal of the anti-racist legislation introduced in 1972 and 1990 - Le Pen described these pieces of legislation as `liberticides' (i.e. they destroyed the right to free speech);
the creation of a special National Guard to prevent any civic unrest or subversion by immigrants;
a tough line on law and order - more powers to the police, reintroduction of capital punishment;
the family, i.e. the nuclear family of father (le gagne-pain), mother (femme au foyer and children.
a bibiliography site:
the Front National website's summary of the party's positions on immigration (which is of a piece with its position regarding islam)--in french:
another short english article about the fn:
the wikipedia article regarding the front national (along with a very strange dispute page regarding its neutrality, etc..)
from the above, the fjordman's political position should be clear--work it out for yourself, the co-ordinates are obvious.
this is a nice compact comparative website on neofascism in general.
this should be enough to erase and ambiguity about the positioning of mr. fjordman and about what i meant above concerning the blog from which the op was drawn.