Originally Posted by JinnKai
I begin by saying that I consider someone of able mind, not under the influence of drugs or alcohol, and not suffering from any illness - to be responsible for any and all actions they take. As such, I expect them to acknowledge their actions, deal with any potential ramifications, and more importantly, acknowledge that they caused the situation with their actions.
I actually take this a bit further. First of all, I don't see any (with exception of very extreme cases) reduction in responsibility due to mental illness.
More importantly, though, I do believe that people are responsible for their actions and potential consequences if they are under the influence of drugs and or alchohol if it was ingested for any reason other than medical, and even then, sometimes, too.
For instance, if someone takes a ton of vicodin and know how it affects them, but choose to drive anyway and cause on accident - something along those lines.
After giving it some more thought, as long as the person makes a choice, I believe that they are responsible for their actions, as well as the consequences, be it to take drugs, assault someone, or write on a wall. I do understand that under some circumstances mental illness or other factors (someone holding a gun to your head) may greatly influence your decision, but generally that's how I feel...