Thread: Asexuality
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Old 10-04-2006, 09:59 AM   #26 (permalink)
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See, now, I brought up homosexuality as another example of society condemning a choice, comparing it to asexuality. I chose the first example that came to mind of a similar issue.

Choosing not to eat is an entirely other issue - this is called 'straw manning' the issue. Obviously, one shouldn't choose not to eat - it usually ends up with them breaking out in a bad case of death. Choosing not to have sex simply stops your genes from entering the gene pool.

I don't see a huge problem with that. It's not going to end your life before your time. I mean, really, not having sex is not the same thing as not eating (although I'm sure there are plenty who'd disagree in a joking manner XD).

I don't see where you get my logic of 'it's a choice, so it's not a mental illness'. I think plenty of mental illnesses are (or at least involve) choices (not saying all do). I don't think they're directly or inversely analogous at all.

Now, if asexuality is brought on as a result of not having hormones, I don't think that in itself is a problem. The problem, in my opinion, is that those are a natural part of a healthy body (the hormones) and many necessary processes for an enjoyable life (I'm not talking sex here) are impaired - so, in that case, I think hormonal treatment should be invoked, not for the asexuality but for other issues. But that is neither here nor there.

I'm curious, actually - what mental illnesses cause asexuality? I don't know of any, but then again I'm not very well informed at all. So if possible, please expound upon this subject.

And asexuals certainly can masturbate. Please go to and read their FAQ, under...MASTURBATION.

I'll post it here for expediency.

I masturbate, what do you make of that then?

Most asexuals are physically capable of sex. Some masturbate and some don't. Masturbation produces a pleasurable sensation and as such many asexuals choose to use it to take pleasure from their bodies. Many asexuals can only arouse themselves manually (by applying friction to sexual organs), others can turn themselves on with thought.

The distinction between sexual and asexual people is that, if asexuals think about other people during masturbation (many asexuals don't think about anything specifically sexual) it is only as fantasy. If they actually were given the opportunity to be sexual with that person there would be no attraction, or the drive would be so low as to be completely ignorable.

Some asexuals may be considered autosexual, they have the drive to take pleasure from their own body. Other masturbating asexuals do not have a sexual drive motivating them, they just do it because it's nice. The common factor is that all asexuals, masturbating or not, have little or no sexual attraction to other people.

(End of quote).

Please see the last sentence of that last paragraph.

You seem to be looking for a fight, sorry, won't get one here, your of course right, as I just said, not all those who have no sex drive suffer from mental problems, but a large portion do, sorry, but they do.
You seem to be mistaken. I have no quarrel with you! I'd just like it if you didn't label my asexual friends as suffering from mental disorders.

One more thing about that - you claim that a large portion do suffer from mental illnesses. While I'm willing to concede that there may be a mental illness or several out there that cause asexuality, I doubt that they are the majority. However, I have no proof to back this up. If you have proof, however, such as a medical article with percentages of asexuals and their underlying causes, I'd appreciate that. I would lend much more credence to your theory, personally.

You seem to associate mental illness with then word stigma, as if it is somehow worse then other things, and a shameful thing. It is not, and you need to get over those nasty labels.
I do associate mental illness with a stigma. I think it is a BAD thing to have a mental illness - hence the word 'illness'. has a good definition if you'd like. As if it is somehow worse than other things...what other things? As opposed to not having it? Aye, I think it much preferable to not have a mental illness than to have one. Shameful? Please quote me where I talk of mental illnesses as shameful. Please. Quite the contrary. I am quite sorry for those with mental illnesses - I feel pity for them. But I don't think it is a thing to be ashamed about.

I happen to be ADHD, one of those who was correctly diagnosed as a child and not simply medicated to be tranquilized. I'd prefer I not have it - a mental illness is not a benefit! But am I ASHAMED of it? Never. It is part of my identity, and I'll never be ashamed with who I am at my core.

At least we agree that they are not shameful, and hopefully I've let you see that I don't think it a 'nasty label'. It is a label, aye, unfortunately they are unavoidable - but it is merely that, a label. It carries no stigma in my mind except possibly pity, which I cannot help. (I'd rather others not pity me, so I'm sure others would not want me to pity them, but I can't help it - my apologies).

Some things are common sense, Kensei, but I would not classify this as one. Someone's sexual drive is their own business - we are all wired differently, and I think I'd have to have a PhD in pyschology before I started considering the psyche common sense - it holds far too many wonders and uncertainties for me to claim the smallest grasp of it.

Erm, I'm rambling.

Aye, I disagree with you that it is normal - that's okay, though . I agree, asexuals are in the tiniest of minorities. But I think that's okay.

Just my perspective.

I'd like to hear your response to this, if you haven't left the thread yet. Take care to you as well .

Anyhow, I have to disagree with you that it is normal. True, what is considered normal is too set in stone, but some things are just plain common sense my friend, don't you agree?

Well, I'm outta here, take care.

EDIT: Jeezgod that was long, didn't realize that. Sorry for my verbosity, I like to take my time to write things out. I'll eventually learn to be concise.

EDITEDIT: Oh, one thing that might raise your eyebrows. Asexuals can actually have sex. Might seem contradictory, but the definition of the label is at the heart of the matter - if they lack a sex drive, they are asexual. If they want to express their love to their partner and they see sex as the best way, and they're doing it solely for the intimacy, that's still asexual.

Asexuality has to do solely with not having a sex drive, they are not impaired in their relationships with others in any way, though there can be difficulties. Please read more in the FAQ at least on for more on my standing on these issues.

Last edited by Jozrael; 10-04-2006 at 10:04 AM..
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